data insights Ryan Hall data insights Ryan Hall

Shopper engagement during in-store sampling program

The Mushroom In-Store Sampling Program (MU21503) has reached over 70,000 shoppers in supermarkets across the nation. Conducted throughout 2022, the strategy has delivered important insights into consumer attitudes, which will help inform future marketing activities.

The Mushroom In-Store Sampling Program (MU21503) has reached over 70,000 shoppers in supermarkets across the nation. Conducted throughout 2022, the strategy has delivered important insights into consumer attitudes, which will help inform future marketing activities.

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data insights Izumi Kageyama data insights Izumi Kageyama

Understanding price elasticity in the Australian mushroom industry

The Australian mushroom industry is a significant horticultural sector, with potential to expand in the future. Recent data from NielsenIQ, in partnership with Hort Innovation, reveals that almost 80% of households now purchase mushrooms. However, the role of price in changing demand, as well as potentially reaching new consumers, is not well understood.

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data insights Ryan Hall data insights Ryan Hall

PROJECT PROOF BY FIFTYFIVE5, Consumer research funded through the Mushroom Industry Marketing levy

In realigning their approach to mushroom marketing, Hort Innovation has committed to strong collaboration with the Mushroom Industry Strategic Investment Advisory Panel (SIAP). This will ensure that any decisions regarding mushroom messaging are data-driven, rather than being based on opinion or hearsay. The objective is to drive demand for mushrooms through increasing consumer knowledge, attitudes and purchase intent.

In realigning their approach to mushroom marketing, Hort Innovation has committed to strong collaboration with the Mushroom Industry Strategic Investment Advisory Panel (SIAP). This will ensure that any decisions regarding mushroom messaging are data-driven, rather than being based on opinion or hearsay. The objective is to drive demand for mushrooms through increasing consumer knowledge, attitudes and purchase intent.

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