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Project MU22010 – Mushroom International Study Tours – Inbound and Outbound

Part of the in- and outbound International Study Tours project, the inaugural Mushroom Production workshop, facilitated by Erik de Groot, was held in Adelaide and Sydney at the end of August

Figure 1: Robert Tolson at Premier Mushrooms explaining the room-filling procedure and machinery on his farm (Umberto Calvo)

US-based international consultant and mushroom expert Erik de Groot delivered the 2-day workshops to industry members eager to learn.

Elbows deep in compost and mushrooms since his childhood in the Netherlands, Erik’s knowledge and experience range from compost production to harvesting and everything in between, with clients spread across five continents.

With the aim to educate and inspire the Australian mushroom industry and promote collaborative problem solving, attendees were asked to work together in small groups. Participants were split into these groups depending on their role (compost production, growing, harvesting) to encourage conversation within their areas of expertise and generate new ideas and solutions to current issues.

The first day of the workshop focussed on compost production, phase II and III compost, tunnel and growing room filling, and the optimal conditions of the various stages (temperature, humidity, ventilation). The attendees involved in compost production were the most active throughout the first day, while growers and harvest managers were able to better understand the dynamics of the phases that precede their entry into the crop cycle.

Figure 2: Attendees were invited to "have a feel" of good quality peat with adequate moisture (Umberto Calvo)

Day 1 also included a farm visit to Costa Monarto in South Australia and Premier Mushrooms in the Hawkesbury, with the farm staff showing the facilities, machinery, and explaining the various steps of their mushroom production and management.

The second day was centred on growing and harvesting practises to optimise yield and quality, with a particular focus on harvest efficiency and planning.

At the end of the session each group had to elaborate on the actions they were planning on taking back to their farm with the newly acquired knowledge from the workshop.

The event was very well received by all attendees, both thanks to the broad scope of themes and the opportunity to expand their network vertically with people from their own farm and peers across different farms.

The opportunity to network with colleagues from different parts of one’s own workplace was viewed as an important outcome. Communication and collaboration throughout every step of the process, from compost production to growing and harvesting, can have a big impact on the overall result, and ultimately determine the farm’s and farmer’s bottom line.

At the end of the two-day workshop the participants were asked to complete an evaluation and suggestion form, which will assist AMGA as it plans the next events. Attention will be placed on the topics and issues identified by the Australian mushroom industry as the most relevant right now.

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Mushroom international study tours – inbound and outbound (MU22010)

Key research provider: Australian Mushroom Growers’ Association

What's it all about?

This project delivers a range of inbound and outbound international study tours for the mushroom industry. Through these activities, the Australian mushroom industry will increase their knowledge of global innovations and develop stronger networks with international peers and researchers.

The project team will organise outbound study opportunities for industry personnel, particularly emerging leaders, to attend international conferences and educational farm tours while strengthening the existing connections with international mushroom organisations.

International topic experts or innovators will also be invited to visit Australia to conduct educational workshops and present at domestic industry events.

A balanced advisory panel will choose the successful applicants, who will receive a partially funded scholarship to participate in the outbound study tours. More information will be made available through MushroomLink and AMGA communications.

Recipients will be required to showcase key learnings within the mushroom industry communications program, and mushroom industry conference, for knowledge and information transfer to the broader industry.

Associated resources

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2022 AMGA Conference

The AMGA conference was a resounding success. The industry was able to gather for the first time in years to listen to a range of fantastic over the two days. MushroomLink has developed a podcast series and recordings of the R&D session to give those who were unable to come, and those who could use a refresher, a chance to hear great information from both international and local speakers. This Page will have a range of video presentations and podcasts from speakers at the conference.


Please note: The MushroomLink Podcast is hosted on most podcast hosting sites. Click here to find out where it is hosted or search “Mushroom Link” on your podcasting app of choice.


What's new in mushroom compost biology? - Dr Michael Kertesz

In this webinar, Dr Michael Kertesz (the University of Sydney) updated industry on the latest research into mushroom compost biology. Nitrogen, microbial communities and climate change are all on the agenda.

Marsh Lawson Mushroom Research Centre and PCR Disease Testing - Dr Gordon Rogers (Applied Horticultural Research)

In this presentation Dr Gordon Rogers (Applied Horticultural Research) provided an update on the Marsh Lawson Mushroom Research Centre (MLMRC) and the PCR disease testing service, a service program that was developed from trials run at the centre.

Dr Rogers' presentation includes past achievements, new trials, potential future trials and how results will be communicated to the industry. He also covers the potential for a new site should the existing site become unavailable.

They also showcase the PCR mushroom disease identification service that is provided by AHR. This service has been a key outcome of the MLMRC. It was developed through the MU12007project (Development of a pilot mushroom farm disease monitoring scheme) and was run by the University of Sydney in collaboration with Applied Horticultural Research, AusDiagnostics, Dr Warwick Gill and Judy Allan.

Australian mushroom industry pest and disease update - Dr Warwick Gill (University of Tasmania)

In this presentation Dr Warwick Gill (University of Tasmania) provides an update on the pest and disease situation for the Australian mushroom industry. This includes new and emerging pests and diseases, the pest and disease watchlist, and how the industry should respond to diseases on their farms. Dr Gill also highlights the upcoming MU21007: Pest and disease management for the Australian mushroom industry project, giving an outline on how the project will function.

Food safety, quality and risk management and MushroomLink - Dr Jenny Ekman (Applied Horticultural Research)

Dr Jenny Ekman (Applied Horticultural Research) gives an update on the MU20000: Mushroom food safety extension and adoption project. Highlighting the need for strong food safety practices for the industry.

Dr Ekman also provided an update on the MU21003: Mushroom industry communications programme (MushroomLink) project. She covered what it is, who it targets, why its needed and how it is delivered.

AMGA farm tour at Pure Compost

AMGA farm tour at SA Mushrooms

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MU21008 - Mushroom industry conference

Key research provider: Australian Mushroom Growers' Association

What's it all about?

This investment delivers a national mushroom industry conference which will take place over three days from 26-28 October 2022. The conference will improve the communication of information to mushroom growers regarding mushroom production, sustainability, health benefits, consumer marketing and more, with the ultimate outcome of contributing to building a stronger, more resilient Australian mushroom industry

For more information on the conference, visit the Australian Mushroom Growers’ Association website here.

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Webinar Recording: MU20004 A scoping study to review fungi based global innovations

Click here to get a copy of the compendium

Click here to view the final report

Anita Stefoska-Needham led, in collaboration with AMGA, the project MU20004: "A scoping study to review fungi-based innovations to inform product development opportunities”.

In this webinar, Anita discussed the major output - a mushroom product compendium of over 180 products across 13 categories that can be used to inform the mushroom industry of the range and types of commercially available products globally, as well as to highlight the key food categories where mushroom innovation is most active, and by which major companies.

Anita shared some insights to inspire all Australian mushroom growers to consider which opportunities might be feasible for their businesses in the food innovation space.

About the presenter: Dr Anita Stefoska-Needham is a PhD-qualified, Advanced Accredited Practising Dietitian (AdvAPD), lecturer/researcher and inventor, with a particular interest in food packaging innovations and holds three granted patents. In addition to substantive experience in hospital-based clinical dietetics, Anita has experience in industry-led research and development, consulting, and teaching over a 25+ year span. Anita is considered a senior member of the dietetics profession, reflected in her appointment to the Council of the Nutrition Society of Australia, as well as to the Hearing and Assessment Panel of the 8000-member peak body, Dietitians Australia.

Anita is currently the Academic Program Director of the Bachelor of Nutrition Science degree at the University of Wollongong, teaching nutrition science and food innovation, and leading food and nutrition research.

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Grassroots Product Sampling and Events

By Leah Bramich. AMGA

Cambride Markets – Sydney

To continue to drive top of mind awareness, a levy-funded, AMGA-run Grassroots Product Demonstrations and Events Program is underway to support local growers by driving demand within communities in which they live and work.

The program has developed ‘hyper local’ product sampling events to drive the uptake of mushrooms in both regional and metro markets, providing delicious product samples and promoting “Add the Mighty Mushie” to position mushrooms as an essential ingredient for enhanced taste and health.

The AMGA have selected Melbourne, Adelaide, Sydney, Perth and the Gold Coast for activations, along with 15 regional areas which align with grower locations. A total of 23 product sampling events are being activated around the nation.

To efficiently roll out the product demonstration and sampling events remotely, local radio stations were engaged to design their version of a ‘Hyper local event’ with preferences given to local foodie festivals, farmers markets, restaurants, or independent green grocers, with mushroom samples cooked by professional chefs. In Ballarat, a former MasterChef contestant will cook ‘Mushroom toasties', in Adelaide, well know chef, restaurateur and former MasterChef Callum Hann will cook live on stage at the Adelaide Markets, and in Perth, seaside café Odyssea will include a mushroom on toast item to their menu for the week, inviting listeners to try it.     

Each regional event is accompanied with a live broadcast or street team event, and a hefty radio campaign to support it, with reach amplified via the station’s social media channels. Taking simple product sampling to the next level, all events include a product sampling element and mushroom giveaways, and the opportunity for mushroom growers to be personally involved in the grassroots promotion.

Metro events have been selected in premium markets with high traffic. The 3-day Melbourne event at Queen Victoria Market reported 1760 mushrooms on toast samples provided, with 2250 interactions. A huge impact!

Local Grower Involvement

Local growers will be invited to take part in their regions event, as many have a long history of being active in their local community, active with local media and have long-standing relationships with local businesses.

In regions where there are multiple growers, AMGA will need to manage relationships carefully to ensure each grower is represented equally, and no preferences are shown.

Managed by the AMGA, Local Growers will be invited to:

  • Be interviewed on-air about the mushroom growing process

  • Provide free mushrooms for product sampling and giveaways

  • Provide a display, showing the mushrooms growing process

  • Facilitate open days/ Farm tours

While local growers are invited to take part, all messaging will remain with the “Australian Mushrooms” brand and all promotional efforts will link back to the Australian Mushrooms channels.

While all activations were booked to deliver in FY22 (and some have indeed have been deployed), Hort Innovation and the AMGA made the decision to put the program on hold due to the supply shortage. The program is now booked for late July and August.

Regional Radio Events

  • Star 106.3 – 4hr street team event 0730-1130 from Willows Sunday Markets. Chef cooking elevated mushrooms on toast. Inc. Advertising schedule

  • Hit 100.7 – Toowoomba Farmers market, 3hr outside broadcast. Chef cooking mushrooms on toast. Inc. Advertising schedule

  • Mix FM 97.3 – Erbachers independent greengrocer (46yrs), 3hr outside broadcast 1500-1800. Chef cooking mushrooms on toast. Inc. Advertising schedule

  • Hot Tomato – HOTA Farmers Markets, 3hr outside broadcast 0800-1100. Chef cooking mushrooms on toast. Inc. Advertising schedule

  • 3BA – Tim Bones (Masterchef) at Ballarat Markets cooking mushroom toasties, 2hr outside broadcast 1000-1200. Inc. Advertising schedule

  • Hit 91.9 – Heathcote on Show, 3hr outside broadcast 0900-1200. Chef cooking Mushroom Bruschetta. Inc. Advertising schedule

  • Edge FM – 4hr live broadcast 0900-1300 from Fruits n Fare independent grocer. Chef cooked mushrooms on toast Inc. Advertising schedule

  • Hit 104.9 – Albury Wodonga Farmers Markets. 4hr street team with live crosses 0800-1200 – Chef from Smart Hospitality Inc. Advertising schedule

  • Hit 101.3 – Terrigal Beach Markets. 2hr pop up event with live crosses. Chef to cook mushrooms on toast. Inc. Advertising schedule

  • Hit 106.9 – Newcastle Food and Flower Markets, Sandgate. 2hr outside broadcast 1000-1200 and chef. Inc. Advertising schedule

  • Mix FM – 2hr roadside activation 1000-1200. Location TBC Inc. Advertising schedule

  • Power 94.9 – Easts and Eats Event. 2hr pop up event, late afternoon. Chef cooking mushrooms on toast. Inc. Advertising schedule

  • Nova – Callum Hann (Masterchef) 2hr cooking demonstration. Location TBC, likely the new food hall. Inc. Advertising schedule

  • Nova – Odyssea restaurant featuring mushroom bruschetta on menu for a week. 2hr live cross event with chefs providing mushroom samples. Inc. Advertising schedule


  • Sampling events held at the Adelaide Central Markets for 3 consecutive Thursdays:

    • 26 May 2022

    • 2 June 2022

    • 11 June 2022

  • Sampling events held at the Queen Victoria Markets for 3 consecutive days. Each event is 9hrs.

    • Thurs 30 June 2022

    • Fri 1 July 2022

    • Sat 2 July 2022

  • Two Sampling events held Cambridge Markets events. Each event is 6hrs

    • 12 June 2022

    • 28 August 2022 “Christmas in July” (Postponed event)

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Mushrooms on Toast set to Infiltrate Café Culture

By Leah Bramich. AMGA

An excellent opportunity exists for mushrooms to leverage current vegan, vegetarian, flexitarian, meat-reducing, plant-forward, superfood and sustainability diet trends, and to become the next hero ingredient on breakfast, brunch, and lunch café menus.

It’s safe to say that you can walk into almost any café in Australia and order smashed avocado on toast.

Smashed avo’s rise to fame is tied to the wellness movement. This global sensation began more than two decades ago and was driven by consumer demand for less processed, and more fresh, healthy, and plant-forward meals; reasons which are still relevant today.

The AMGA are leading a new Foodservice Program to “infiltrate café culture” to influence cafés to replace smashed avo on their menu - with Mushrooms on Toast.

Mushrooms on Toast is similar to the smashed avo in its simplicity, while allowing cafes to get creative. It’s a quick and easy meat-free menu option for diners, with great ‘value add’ options for cafés to increase their profit margins.

Yet while smashed avo is served raw, mushrooms require cooking; typically in one of two ways - either sautéed or roasted.

A successful and desirable mushroom dish depends on how well the mushrooms are cared for during the cooking processes. Mushrooms have a high-water content, which can easily become ‘mooshie’ - therefore it’s imperative that café kitchen staff learn how to cook the mighty mushroom properly.

A key element in the Australian Mushrooms Café Culture Foodservice program is the educational tool kit. We are on a mission to ‘ban the mooshie mushie’ by teaching café kitchen staff mushroom 101 – how to choose, prep, store and cook a great mushroom dish, while enticing café owners and staff to add mushrooms to menus with a huge prize incentive.

Through this Foodservice Program, the AMGA will influence café culture by:

  • Scope the Foodservice industry –Food Industry Foresight have been engaged to offer detailed insight into the café sector through hard data and qualitative and quantitative industry surveys. These reports are invaluable to understanding the sector, how to educate, and how to influence menus.

  • Engage industry to co-design and collaborate – A Project Reference Group of café owners and food industry experts was engaged to ensure the program and educational materials have relevance.

  • Cooking Education – Educational videos, a ‘My Mushroom Toast’ educational booklet and café recipes with detailed profit projections were produced. These resources are housed on the new food service section of the Australian Mushrooms website and will be used in remarketing to teach and inspire cafés. 

  • Health Education – Educating café staff of the unique health benefits of mushrooms, and to instil mushrooms as the hero ingredient for meat-free/vegan/vegetarian/flexitarian/plant-forward menu options.

  • Inspire menu change – Directly engage cafés through a social media competition, open to both consumers and café owners. The café major prize incentive is $10,000 for Australia’s best Mushrooms on Toast. The competition is designed to build hype as well as creating a community for mushroom menu inspiration.

  • Make mushrooms famous – Through a media launch and hefty PR campaign, to garner both paid and earned media to increase reach. 

Monitor and evaluate – Survey the industry pre and post program, to show the effectiveness of the campaign.

The program has been researched, designed and is ready to go, however, Hort Innovation and the AMGA made the decision to put the program on hold until the current shortage is resolved. The program aims to deploy in late August through to October 2022.

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MU20004 - A scoping study to review fungi based global innovations to inform product development opportunities

Running from 2021 to 2022, this short investment explored the use of mushrooms in plant-based food product innovation and informed the industry of new market opportunities and their potential viability in the Australian context.

This project yielded the following key outputs:

  • A mushroom product compendium of over 180 products across 13 categories

  • Three deep explorations (case studies) of novel mushroom-based food innovation activities

  • Key insights and considerations from each case study

  • Three novel food product concepts using Agaricus bisporus.

Project Outputs

Final report

MushroomLink Webinar

Product compendium

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MU21000 - Digitisation of mushroom industry archive

Key delivery partner: Australian Mushroom Growers Association

Running for six months, this short project digitised the Australian Mushroom Growers’ Association archive of industry research, marketing, and communication outputs. The digitisation provided the Australian mushroom industry with full access to these valuable materials. The archive included industry journals, research reports, books, posters, and recipes.

The materials cover numerous topics including market and consumer research, training and educational materials, pests and diseases and production and crop.

All materials were digitised and made available online through the Australian Mushroom Growers’ Association (AMGA) website at The documents were categorised to allow easy access by Australian mushroom growers, suppliers, researchers, and other industry stakeholders.

The digitization of materials has allowed the Australian mushroom industry to access a wealth of resources that were previously unavailable. In the longer term, this will increase their awareness of results from previous R&D and marketing investments, increasing productivity and quality across the mushroom industry.

The newly digitised resources will be further promoted through the Mushroom Industry Communications Program (MU21003), the Australian Mushrooms Journal, as well as the industry website and e-newsletters.

Project outputs

Final report

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MU20003 - Educating the food industry about Australian Mushrooms

Key research provider: Australian Mushroom Growers’ Association

This investment is delivering evidence-based information about Australian mushrooms to health and food service professionals in Australia. By improving the awareness, knowledge and attitude of health professionals to the nutrition and health benefits of mushrooms, they will be encouraged to recommend mushroom to their clients, or include mushroom in their menus, and ultimately help to drive purchase and consumption.

The project team will undertake a range of activities, including:

  • Engaging with key decision-makers from top tier commercial and institutional catering organisations to discuss the inclusion of mushrooms in

  • Providing educational material to culinary schools, mushroom growers, food service professionals and dietitians. These educational resources will improve understanding of mushrooms, as well encourage confidence and proficiency at using them.

  • Developing case studies that showcase the health benefits of mushrooms

  • Updating culinary school curriculums to include the nutrition, health and culinary uses of mushrooms

  • Participating in food industry professional conferences to further promote mushrooms

  • Conducting farm tours to connect health professionals to mushroom growers.

  • Over the last four months, the research team have focused on food industry research which will be used to form the strategic plan for the project. The significant outputs of this period included the partial completion of phase 2 of the Food Industry Insights Report, with nine one-on-one food industry Key Opinion Leader (KOL) interviews completed, the commencement of a food industry market research poll (survey), and the completion of the project communications plan.

    Although partially completed, the one-on-one KOL interviews and market research polls have delivered significant quantitative and qualitative insights into the sector, which will be used to inform the strategic plan for the project in the next phase - case study interventions with high quantum of influence organisations. Insights gathered from the KOL interviews to date have been collated and summarized under five key territories: health centricity, knowledge, nutrition issue/challenges, usage (barriers and drivers), and communication (what and how). Initial findings were shared with the Project Reference Group (PRG) group in May.

    With economic challenges in the food industry and labour shortages as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, securing one-on-one KOL interviews have been more difficult than expected and has caused delays to the completion of phase 2 of the Food Industry Insights report and project milestone. Nine KOL interviews have been achieved within this reporting period with the remaining interviews scheduled for June. Subsequently, the Food Industry Insights webinar will be presented to the mushroom industry in July/August.

    Despite this challenge, the project team have succeeded to develop a solid database of food industry health professionals and identify significant opportunities for case study interventions within the institutional catering sector, to build the foundations that will underpin the strategic plan for the project.

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MU20006 - Mushroom industry crisis and reputation risk management

Key research provider: Australian Mushroom Grower’s Association

This investment is maintaining a crisis and reputation risk management plan for the Australian mushroom industry. In the event of an issue or crisis, having a clear plan in place ensures the industry is prepared with the information and processes needed to respond effectively, responsibly and in a coordinated, unified way. A plan, and the relevant training this project will deliver, also ensures that stakeholders involved in crisis response for the industry understand the process and are equipped and ready to be involved.

It builds on the work completed under Australian mushrooms crisis and risk management (MU18007).

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MU20000 - Extension and Adoption for Food Safety, Quality and Risk Management

Key research provider: Australian Mushroom Growers’ Association

This investment is delivering targeted information on food safety, quality and risk management to the mushroom industry through a range of proactive channels. By providing access to extensive information and support, this project will assist all mushroom supply chain businesses and their staff to adopt best practice in their businesses.

An online knowledge hub will be established that hosts practical information on food safety and quality areas such as State and Federal legislation, compliance systems, retailer requirements, and research findings on mushroom food safety. This information will be further disseminated through communications activities such as articles in the mushroom industry journal and e-newsletter, presentations at regional workshops, on-farming training, and webinars.

The project team will provide technical industry support through activities such as representation on the AMSAFE committee, coordination of the verification testing program, advice on all aspects of food safety system compliance, identification of research required to underpin critical limits, and on-call crisis support.

  • Despite some project activities being limited by recent COVID restrictions, The project team reports significant progress in a number of areas:

    • Further refinement of the knowledge and information hub

    • Development of a basic food safety training program for mushroom farms

    • Scripting of a video demonstrating the sampling process for testing

    • Re-booting of the AMGA testing program.

    One important achievement has been the development of a simple food safety Code of Practice for non-certified mushroom farms, together with supporting forms and documents. The result is a code that does not impose a heavy burden, but rather encourages good business practice and raises food safety awareness.

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