MU20000 - Extension and Adoption for Food Safety, Quality and Risk Management

Key research provider: Australian Mushroom Growers’ Association

This investment is delivering targeted information on food safety, quality and risk management to the mushroom industry through a range of proactive channels. By providing access to extensive information and support, this project will assist all mushroom supply chain businesses and their staff to adopt best practice in their businesses.

An online knowledge hub will be established that hosts practical information on food safety and quality areas such as State and Federal legislation, compliance systems, retailer requirements, and research findings on mushroom food safety. This information will be further disseminated through communications activities such as articles in the mushroom industry journal and e-newsletter, presentations at regional workshops, on-farming training, and webinars.

The project team will provide technical industry support through activities such as representation on the AMSAFE committee, coordination of the verification testing program, advice on all aspects of food safety system compliance, identification of research required to underpin critical limits, and on-call crisis support.

  • Despite some project activities being limited by recent COVID restrictions, The project team reports significant progress in a number of areas:

    • Further refinement of the knowledge and information hub

    • Development of a basic food safety training program for mushroom farms

    • Scripting of a video demonstrating the sampling process for testing

    • Re-booting of the AMGA testing program.

    One important achievement has been the development of a simple food safety Code of Practice for non-certified mushroom farms, together with supporting forms and documents. The result is a code that does not impose a heavy burden, but rather encourages good business practice and raises food safety awareness.


MU20006 - Mushroom industry crisis and reputation risk management


MT18011 - Ex-post impact assessment