extension - projects Ryan Hall extension - projects Ryan Hall

Mushroom international study tours – inbound and outbound (MU22010)

Key research provider: Australian Mushroom Growers’ Association

What's it all about?

This project delivers a range of inbound and outbound international study tours for the mushroom industry. Through these activities, the Australian mushroom industry will increase their knowledge of global innovations and develop stronger networks with international peers and researchers.

The project team will organise outbound study opportunities for industry personnel, particularly emerging leaders, to attend international conferences and educational farm tours while strengthening the existing connections with international mushroom organisations.

International topic experts or innovators will also be invited to visit Australia to conduct educational workshops and present at domestic industry events.

A balanced advisory panel will choose the successful applicants, who will receive a partially funded scholarship to participate in the outbound study tours. More information will be made available through MushroomLink and AMGA communications.

Recipients will be required to showcase key learnings within the mushroom industry communications program, and mushroom industry conference, for knowledge and information transfer to the broader industry.

Associated resources

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extension - projects Henry Hyde extension - projects Henry Hyde

Introduction to food safety for mushroom farm workers

Food safety certification programs, such as Freshcare and HARPS, require all staff to have some basic food safety training. As a minimum, staff must be aware of basic personal hygiene requirements. 

This video provides a simple, 20 minute food safety induction suitable for all new workers, regardless of whether they are driving a forklift or picking mushrooms. It explains why food safety matters, different types of hazards that might occur on a mushroom farm, and - importantly - what staff need to do to avoid contaminating the product. 

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extension - projects Ryan Hall extension - projects Ryan Hall

MU21003 - Mushroom industry communications program (MushroomLink)

Key delivery partner: Applied Horticultural Research

This investment is delivering effective and timely communications to ensure Australian mushroom growers and other industry stakeholders are kept up-to-date with the latest mushroom R&D and marketing investments, developments and outcomes, and other industry news and information.

The new program builds on the previous investment Mushroom industry communications program (MU18001) and is embracing new digital tools (including a fresh new-look magazine) and innovative techniques to more effectively communicate with the mushroom industry. This includes an increased emphasis on webinars, podcasts and social media, as well as online access to old and new resources, updates on overseas research and greater use of visual communication.

A number of regular communications channels are produced and maintained by the program, including but not limited to:
• A quarterly industry magazine
• A monthly e-newsletter
• Grower case studies
• The AGORA website
• A webinar and podcast series
• Social media
• Videos
• Media releases.

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extension - projects Ryan Hall extension - projects Ryan Hall

MU20000 - Extension and Adoption for Food Safety, Quality and Risk Management

Key research provider: Australian Mushroom Growers’ Association

This investment is delivering targeted information on food safety, quality and risk management to the mushroom industry through a range of proactive channels. By providing access to extensive information and support, this project will assist all mushroom supply chain businesses and their staff to adopt best practice in their businesses.

An online knowledge hub will be established that hosts practical information on food safety and quality areas such as State and Federal legislation, compliance systems, retailer requirements, and research findings on mushroom food safety. This information will be further disseminated through communications activities such as articles in the mushroom industry journal and e-newsletter, presentations at regional workshops, on-farming training, and webinars.

The project team will provide technical industry support through activities such as representation on the AMSAFE committee, coordination of the verification testing program, advice on all aspects of food safety system compliance, identification of research required to underpin critical limits, and on-call crisis support.

  • Despite some project activities being limited by recent COVID restrictions, The project team reports significant progress in a number of areas:

    • Further refinement of the knowledge and information hub

    • Development of a basic food safety training program for mushroom farms

    • Scripting of a video demonstrating the sampling process for testing

    • Re-booting of the AMGA testing program.

    One important achievement has been the development of a simple food safety Code of Practice for non-certified mushroom farms, together with supporting forms and documents. The result is a code that does not impose a heavy burden, but rather encourages good business practice and raises food safety awareness.

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