MU21003 - Mushroom industry communications program (MushroomLink)

Key delivery partner: Applied Horticultural Research

This investment is delivering effective and timely communications to ensure Australian mushroom growers and other industry stakeholders are kept up-to-date with the latest mushroom R&D and marketing investments, developments and outcomes, and other industry news and information.

The new program builds on the previous investment Mushroom industry communications program (MU18001) and is embracing new digital tools (including a fresh new-look magazine) and innovative techniques to more effectively communicate with the mushroom industry. This includes an increased emphasis on webinars, podcasts and social media, as well as online access to old and new resources, updates on overseas research and greater use of visual communication.

A number of regular communications channels are produced and maintained by the program, including but not limited to:
• A quarterly industry magazine
• A monthly e-newsletter
• Grower case studies
• The AGORA website
• A webinar and podcast series
• Social media
• Videos
• Media releases.


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