2022 AMGA Conference
The AMGA conference was a resounding success. The industry was able to gather for the first time in years to listen to a range of fantastic over the two days. MushroomLink has developed a podcast series and recordings of the R&D session to give those who were unable to come, and those who could use a refresher, a chance to hear great information from both international and local speakers. This Page will have a range of video presentations and podcasts from speakers at the conference.
Please note: The MushroomLink Podcast is hosted on most podcast hosting sites. Click here to find out where it is hosted or search “Mushroom Link” on your podcasting app of choice.
MushroomLink at the AMGA conference 2022: Jack Lemmen - Efficient harvesting systems part two
MushroomLink at the AMGA conference 2022: Folkert Moll - The future of Mushroom sustainability
MushroomLink at the AMGA conference 2022: Ralph Noble - Peat alternatives
What's new in mushroom compost biology? - Dr Michael Kertesz
In this webinar, Dr Michael Kertesz (the University of Sydney) updated industry on the latest research into mushroom compost biology. Nitrogen, microbial communities and climate change are all on the agenda.
Marsh Lawson Mushroom Research Centre and PCR Disease Testing - Dr Gordon Rogers (Applied Horticultural Research)
In this presentation Dr Gordon Rogers (Applied Horticultural Research) provided an update on the Marsh Lawson Mushroom Research Centre (MLMRC) and the PCR disease testing service, a service program that was developed from trials run at the centre.
Dr Rogers' presentation includes past achievements, new trials, potential future trials and how results will be communicated to the industry. He also covers the potential for a new site should the existing site become unavailable.
They also showcase the PCR mushroom disease identification service that is provided by AHR. This service has been a key outcome of the MLMRC. It was developed through the MU12007project (Development of a pilot mushroom farm disease monitoring scheme) and was run by the University of Sydney in collaboration with Applied Horticultural Research, AusDiagnostics, Dr Warwick Gill and Judy Allan.
Australian mushroom industry pest and disease update - Dr Warwick Gill (University of Tasmania)
In this presentation Dr Warwick Gill (University of Tasmania) provides an update on the pest and disease situation for the Australian mushroom industry. This includes new and emerging pests and diseases, the pest and disease watchlist, and how the industry should respond to diseases on their farms. Dr Gill also highlights the upcoming MU21007: Pest and disease management for the Australian mushroom industry project, giving an outline on how the project will function.
Food safety, quality and risk management and MushroomLink - Dr Jenny Ekman (Applied Horticultural Research)
Dr Jenny Ekman (Applied Horticultural Research) gives an update on the MU20000: Mushroom food safety extension and adoption project. Highlighting the need for strong food safety practices for the industry.
Dr Ekman also provided an update on the MU21003: Mushroom industry communications programme (MushroomLink) project. She covered what it is, who it targets, why its needed and how it is delivered.
AMGA farm tour at Pure Compost
AMGA farm tour at SA Mushrooms