current and past campaigns Ryan Hall current and past campaigns Ryan Hall

Improving the food industry menu, with mushrooms

A collaboration between Nutrition Research Australia (NRAUS) and the AMGA is working hard to show the benefit of adding mushrooms to the menu, not only to improve the palatability of institutional meals, but to boost their nutritional offering as well. Initial research reveals the Australian food industry has a lot more to learn about the health benefits of the mighty mushroom, with taste and culinary benefits overshadowing the vast nutritional benefits of mushrooms in the nationally accredited commercial cookery curriculum.

A collaboration between Nutrition Research Australia (NRAUS) and the AMGA is working hard to show the benefit of adding mushrooms to the menu, not only to improve the palatability of institutional meals, but to boost their nutritional offering as well. Initial research reveals the Australian food industry has a lot more to learn about the health benefits of the mighty mushroom, with taste and culinary benefits overshadowing the vast nutritional benefits of mushrooms in the nationally accredited commercial cookery curriculum.

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current and past campaigns Ryan Hall current and past campaigns Ryan Hall

Mushroom in-store sampling

When it comes to planning dinner, nearly half of Australian cooks are last minute larry’s, providing the perfect opportunity to remind shoppers of the wonders of mushrooms as they do their dinner shopping. With this key statistic in mind, the Hort Innovation marketing team developed the Mushroom In-Store Sampling Program.

When it comes to planning dinner, nearly half of Australian cooks are last minute larry’s, providing the perfect opportunity to remind shoppers of the wonders of mushrooms as they do their dinner shopping. With this key statistic in mind, the Hort Innovation marketing team developed the Mushroom In-Store Sampling Program.

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current and past campaigns Izumi Kageyama current and past campaigns Izumi Kageyama

Adding mushrooms to the menu - Where are the opportunities?

To elevate mushrooms in the minds of food professionals, highlighting their benefits through impactful education and engagement could bring them out of the shadows and into the limelight. The levy-funded research project MU20003: Educating the food industry about Australian mushrooms sought to identify and understand the existing barriers to featuring more mushrooms on Australian menus.

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