compost Ryan Hall compost Ryan Hall

Testing the effects of nitrogen

Project MU17004 (Optimising nitrogen transformations in mushroom production), led by Professor Michael Kertesz at the University of Sydney, aims to understand the influence of soil microbes on nitrogen transformations occurring in compost and casing during mushroom production. The objective of this ongoing project is to optimise nitrogen management, reducing losses from compost and improving yield and quality.

Project MU17004 (Optimising nitrogen transformations in mushroom production), led by Professor Michael Kertesz at the University of Sydney, aims to understand the influence of soil microbes on nitrogen transformations occurring in compost and casing during mushroom production. The objective of this ongoing project is to optimise nitrogen management, reducing losses from compost and improving yield and quality.

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compost Ryan Hall compost Ryan Hall

Balancing air and moisture within compost

What is the academic/technical knowledge around ventilation within the compost matrix during cropping and its effect on mycelium growth and mushroom yield? We know through experience that the 'right' structure and density of the compost in the growing containers is important, but we have no measures or even consistent data about the goals we are aiming for.

What is the academic/technical knowledge around ventilation within the compost matrix during cropping and its effect on mycelium growth and mushroom yield? We know through experience that the 'right' structure and density of the compost in the growing containers is important, but we have no measures or even consistent data about the goals we are aiming for.

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compost Izumi Kageyama compost Izumi Kageyama

Alternative casings and a sustainable mushroom industry

Mushrooms are a low impact food. As vertical farms, their land footprint is small, and energy and water inputs into mushroom crops are much lower than comparable foods. Consequently, mushrooms have an excellent CO2eq rating. This ‘green’ image, coupled with great taste and an ever-growing list of health benefits, weaves a sweet narrative of mushrooms as a sustainable food source for a growing world population. There is just one little snag. Casing, or more specifically, peat casing.

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compost Izumi Kageyama compost Izumi Kageyama

Poultry litter - More than just a nitrogen source

The well-documented cholesterol-lowering effect of oats has been certified by nutritional regulators
globally since the late 1990s. Subsequent studies and clinical trials have shown consistent results that confirm, and even boost, the original claims. This high-level health claim has driven an increase in the consumption of oats globally1. Beta-glucan, the compound responsible for lowering cholesterol, is famously present in oat and barley grains. However, its presence in mushrooms is less well known.

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