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Review - Improving mushroom whiteness (MU19005)

Surveys of consumers consistently indicate that they prefer mushrooms to have white colour, firm texture, consistent maturity and good flavour. Of these, colour is clearly the top priority, and often the only one that can be easily considered at retail. Presenting clean, white mushrooms to consumers at retail is a proven method of increasing sales. For mushrooms, whiteness signals quality. It may also be assumed to indicate storage life, flavour and freshness.

This review discusses the information available about improving mushroom whiteness. Produced as part of the MU19005 project, funded by Hort Innovation.

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Reviewing the factors that improve mushroom whiteness

For mushrooms, whiteness signals quality. It may also be assumed to indicate storage life, flavour and freshness. Presenting clean, white mushrooms to consumers is a proven way to increase sales. Conversely, browning on mushrooms is definitely a negative. Browning may be due to disease, bruising, dehydration or simply age and senescence.

Project MU19005 has reviewed the factors that improve mushroom whiteness, from the time compost and casing are prepared through to harvest and packing. The result is a combination of strategies growers can use right now, techniques that are close to commercialising and advances to watch into the future.

Dr Jenny Ekman will summarise the results from this review and discuss some of the “Best Bets” growers can use to improve mushroom whiteness.

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