MU21002 - Desktop review of pathway risks for the mushroom industry - Agaricus mushrooms and growth substrate imports

Key research provider: Applied Horticultural Research

This investment is identifying exotic mushroom pests and diseases and investigating the potential ways that they could enter Australia. Managing pests and diseases is a key priority for the Australian mushroom industry, as the entry of new pests and diseases could pose a serious threat.

The project team will investigate all possible routes for these pests and diseases to enter Australia, such as through imported Agaricus or exotic mushroom varieties, or other means including substrates (e.g. logs) or inoculum.
The research team will collaborate with the project Development of a biosecurity plan for Australian mushrooms (MU18006) as well as other industry risk-related projects and key industry organisations.

The research team will collaborate with the project Development of a biosecurity plan for Australian mushrooms (MU18006) and other industry risk-related projects and key industry organisations.


MT21011 - Foodservice foundational market insights


MU21005 - Mushroom price elasticity of demand