postharvest - resources Ryan Hall postharvest - resources Ryan Hall

Postharvest management of mushrooms: a review

The Australian mushroom industry invests more than $3 million in marketing annually. However, no marketing campaign will be successful if quality is not what the consumer expects. Moreover, consistently presenting high quality mushrooms to consumers at retail is a proven way to increase purchases.

The scientific literature reviewed in this report informed the Mushroom Supply Chain Best Practice Guide, developed as part of the MU22011

Click here to download the report

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postharvest - resources, factsheets Henry Hyde postharvest - resources, factsheets Henry Hyde

Australian Mushroom Supply Chain Best Practice Guide

Consistent mushroom quality at retail is essential to keep consumers not just satisfied, but buying more mushrooms. The quality of the mushrooms that reach the retail display depends on many factors, including effective pre-harvest management, well managed harvesting and packing operations, fast cooling and accurate temperature control.

Drawing on the latest international research, as well as data collected in 2024 from Australian mushroom supply chains, this guide aims to summarise best practice for all those involved in growing, packing, transporting and retailing mushrooms. It includes guidelines on how the key factors affecting mushroom quality can be managed as well as actions needed to supply consistent, high-quality mushrooms the end-consumer.

This guide is suitable for all supply chain participants, from grower to retail. “If we can manage the supply chain properly, we reduce rejections at distribution centres, improve retail quality, minimise waste, and ensure food safety. That’s got to be another step towards a better mushroom industry for all” – Dr Jenny Ekman, Project Leader, MU22011.

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postharvest - resources Ryan Hall postharvest - resources Ryan Hall

Review - Pre and postharvest management of mushrooms

The purpose of this review is to summarise recent major advances in mushroom production technology, as reported in the peer-reviewed literature.

The aim is to help the Australian mushroom industry identify gaps in knowledge and determine the best possible use of research levy funds. In particular, it is important to focus on areas that are not already being studied in other countries, or where overseas research has limited relevance for Australian growers.

Click here to download the review

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