growing, casestudies Ryan Hall growing, casestudies Ryan Hall

Giorgi Mushroom Company

Geoff Price may be the son of our own mushroom-growing legend Graham Price, but he has definitely forged his own way in the industry. A mushroom grower since he was eight years old, perhaps it is not
surprising he’s now not only technical director of Giorgi Mushroom Company in Pennsylvania, but also chair of the American Mushroom Institute. Interview by Dr Jenny Ekman

Geoff Price may be the son of our own mushroom-growing legend Graham Price, but he has definitely forged his own way in the industry. A mushroom grower since he was eight years old, perhaps it is not
surprising he’s now not only technical director of Giorgi Mushroom Company in Pennsylvania, but also chair of the American Mushroom Institute.

Click here for the full interview by Jenny Ekman

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growing, casestudies Izumi Kageyama growing, casestudies Izumi Kageyama

Graham Price and the history of Hawkesbury mushroom industry

Graham Price hand turning compost for his mushroom farm

There wouldn’t be many who have been in the Australian mushroom industry more than a few years who haven’t come across Graham Price. Along with Rob Tolson, and other early trailblazers such as Roy Sanders, Raymon Mas and John Miller, Graham was one of those who helped take the Australian industry from its rudimentary beginnings to the mechanised, highly technical business that it is today.

Click here to read the article

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casestudies Ryan Hall casestudies Ryan Hall

Case Study: Graham Price and the history of the Hawkesbury mushroom industry

Graham Price hand turning compost at his mushroom farm

There wouldn’t be many who have been in the Australian mushroom industry more than a few years who haven’t come across Graham Price. Along with Rob Tolson, and other early trailblazers such as Roy Sanders, Raymon Mas and John Miller, Graham was one of those who helped take the Australian industry from its rudimentary beginnings to the mechanised, highly technical business that it is today.

Click here to read the case study.

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casestudies Ryan Hall casestudies Ryan Hall

Case Study: Norfolk Island Mushrooms

When people talk about Australia’s most easterly point, they are usually talking about Cape Byron. But, an outpost 1,400 km further east – Norfolk Island - is producing its own mushrooms.

Click here to read about Norfolk Island mushroom grower Darren Nicolai’s operation.

Darren Nicolai turning compost by hand

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