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Presenting the Postharvest Best Practice Guide

Date: Wednesday 3 July 2024

Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Location: Delivered online via zoom

Registration: Click here to register

Join the MushroomLink team for the second webinar in a two part series about supply chain best management. The team will speak with Dr Jenny Ekman from the MU22011 Mushroom supply chain best management project. This webinar will cover the new postharvest best practice guide.

Australian mushroom industry can request a printed guide. Click here and fill out the request form to receive a copy of the guide. More than one copy can be requested.

About the presenter

Dr Jenny Ekman

Dr Ekman is a postharvest physiologist and communicator who works to maximise produce freshness and value while minimising supply chain losses. She is passionate about applying science to improve commercial and consumer outcomes.

Dr Ekman has more than 20 years’ horticultural research experience in Australia, USA and the Philippines. She has led research projects on food safety, fruit-fly management, broccoli, chestnuts and vegetables, and is developing a definitive postharvest manual and app for the Australian vegetable industry. She has worked extensively in fruit physiology, completing projects funded by HAL, RIRDC and ACIAR.

Dr Ekman has excellent writing and communication skills and is an effective translator of scientific language into information readily understood and used by growers.

19 June

Results from the Mushroom Supply Chain studies

11 September

Navigating Food Safety Certification Challenges