pest and disease - resources Ryan Hall pest and disease - resources Ryan Hall

Sustainable pest and disease management

Pest and disease outbreaks pose a risk to any horticultural business, and the Australian mushroom industry is no exception. Outbreaks can result in significant financial losses for the grower, and broader reputational damage to the sector as a whole.

As consumers increasingly demand produce that is clean and green, a sustainable approach to pest and disease management will help protect market access for the industry into the future.

A new Hort Innovation project, led by Dr Aimee McKinnon from Agriculture Victoria, investigates effective alternatives to complement current pest and disease management strategies for the mushroom industry.

Read full article in MushroomLink Issue 4

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pest and disease - projects Ryan Hall pest and disease - projects Ryan Hall

It’s a wrap on MU16003 Pest and disease management and research services

Over the last five years, Warwick Gill (University of Tasmania) and Judy Allan have led the levy funded project MU16003 Pest and disease management and research services, creating an exhaustive and detailed body of knowledge for the Australian mushroom industry.

The team have researched and collated information on current and emerging mushroom pests and pathogens, as well as how to recognise, treat and manage them. They have also focussed strongly on communicating their findings through a variety of engaging formats. The legacy is an impressive and invaluable information resource.

Most of the resources created through the project are available via the AGORA website (, note that this is password protected), with a few highlights presented here.

Read more about their research highlights and top tips in MushroomLink Issue 1

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