Reset and Refresh – towards better collaboration between Hort Innovation and industry

In mid-last year, the Seftons review was commissioned to examine the working relationships between industry peak industry bodies (PIBs) and Hort Innovation. The review identified a number of issues, particularly relating to governance and communication.

As a result, a working group was established consisting of representatives from the PIBs, the Hort Innovation board and the Commonwealth government. The working group has been developing a new framework for collaboration between industry and HIA.

On 14 and 15 June mushroom industry representatives Geoff Martin, Nick Femia and Leah Bramich took part in two “Reset and Refresh – Roles, responsibilities and advice mechanisms” industry workshops. The aim was to find ways to work together better, particularly in terms of developing advice mechanisms for both research and development and marketing and promotion.

Discussion was constructive and focussed on raising the quality of outcomes for all industry participants. Hort Innovation has committed to communicating clearly and regularly with industry and is currently considering how best to act based on industry feedback. The outcome should be maximised returns on investment for all levy payers.

According to AMGA General Manager Leah Bramich “This was an extremely important and positive first meeting, with Hort Innovation and industry working together collaboratively and transparently. I am really pleased to see this important first step towards meaningful change and a better future”.

Access the HIA report on this initiative or download the DAWE Best Practice Guide to Stakeholder Consultation.


MushroomLink Bulletin June 2022


New look mushroom marketing strategy built on collaboration