My Mushroom Toast

The #MyMushroomToast campaign is up and running! And to celebrate the launch, media and foodie influencers were invited to a #MyMushroomToast cooking masterclass hosted by internationally known chef Jason Roberts.

Early in September, foodie social media influencers - with a combined following of over 255K - and reps from top-tier media outlets including Delicious, Taste and Eativity met in Sydney’s Fish Markets Cooking School to learn how to cook, prep and experiment with the Mighty Mushie.

Attendees cooked two delicious #MyMushroomToast dishes - Miso Butter Mushrooms and Cavolo Nero on Toasted Ciabatta and Balsamic Mushrooms on Sourdough Toast with Blistered Cherry Tomatoes, Feta and Basil Oil. By working through the recipes together, the budding mushroom advocates learnt how quick and easy it is to prep and cook with mushrooms.

To ensure maximum amplification of the event, the Hort Innovation marketing team worked with their production crew to capture extra imagery and video footage. These resources will be used throughout Australian Mushrooms’ social channels and other PR Initiatives.

Following the mushroom cooking class, Jason Roberts and Leah Bramich ran a Q&A with attendees. They answered questions and gave insight around the numerous nutritional benefits of mushrooms, the distinct umami flavour profile, and interesting facts around how mushrooms grow in a sustainable way.

The event was a great success with attendees really engaging with this most versatile of ingredients.

We are looking forward to following the #MyMushrroomToast hashtag over the next couple of months to see everyone’s culinary creations.

To encourage Aussie cafés to hero mushrooms in more dishes, Australian Mushrooms is running a competition from September to October to determine the best #MyMushroomToast, with a major prize incentive to the café that produces Australia’s Best Mushrooms on Toast dish. To read more about this initiative, see page 25 of the winter edition of MushroomLink, Mushrooms on Toast Set to Infiltrate Café Culture.

The video footage of the event can be viewed at or scan the QR code.




MU21006 - Recycling spent mushroom substrate (SMS) for fertiliser in a circular economy