From Farm to Frying pan: Best practice in mushroom supply chains

The best marketing in the world won’t sell mushrooms that are soft and bruised. Cold temperatures, careful handling and short timeframes are key to getting good quality mushrooms onto retail shelves.

However, questions remain. For example, why do mushrooms bruise so easily? What can we do to reduce bruising? How cold do mushrooms really need to be and what’s the most efficient way to keep them that way?

Join Dr Jenny Ekman and her team for the answers to these questions and more as they present the new Postharvest Best Practice guide for mushrooms.

Developed through the MU22011 Mushroom supply chain best management project, printed copies will be available to all industry members. Click here and fill in the request form to receive a copy of the guide. More than one copy can be requested.

Missed part one? You can watch the webinar recording here and learn about the results from the MU22011 project, including how far some mushrooms travel, temperature changes during transport, and how displays can impact shelf life.


Australian Mushroom Supply Chain Best Practice Guide


Results from the mushroom supply chain best management project