Action points to control sciarid and phorid flies

Sciarid and phorid flies can breed in bushland, ‘waste’ or ‘spent’ compost in the farm environment and, most efficiently of all, in growing rooms. The odour associated with the phase 3 compost arriving on a farm either in bulk or blocks acts like a strong magnet to attract flies to the new crop.

The fact that a female sciarid can produce around 100 offspring and a female phorid can produce around 50 offspring means that new crops need to be vigorously protected from invasion by adults and a holistic and integrated approach to fly control is required.

This article was originally produced for the Australian Mushrooms Journal

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Put your foot down! Ensure your foot dips are safe to use and fit-for-purpose


MushroomLink Bulletin February 2024 - FY25 Marketing strategy webinar recording